business growth workshops in iowa

4 New Leading Edge Workshops Set for Fall 2019

Grow your business using techniques found in these unique, hands-on workshops.

“Everything that exists in your life does so because of two things: something you did or something you didn’t do.”

-Albert Einstein
source: flickr

Pretty deep life advice for a guy that spent most of his time in a lab discovering photons and figuring out that E=mc2, right? Still, it’s undeniably true.

With every opportunity that presents itself, you get the option to walk through one of two doors. Do it or don’t. Jump, or step back and wonder what the fall would have been like. Maybe it will hurt, like a lot. But, maybe, just maybe, there’s a trampoline at the bottom waiting to launch you and your organization to new heights.

Either way, you’ll never know if you don’t jump.

Okay, maybe that wasn’t the best example, but the point still stands – you’ll never know if you don’t jump.

Past Jumpers Tell All

Still not convinced? See what previous attendees of our The Leading Edge Workshops had to say.

“It’s fun, but you’re also learning something at the same time, good takeaways.”

“It was a lot of good information, these people know what they’re talking about.”

“It’s a very interaction session, which is really nice. You won’t be bored and you’ll learn something.”

The Fall 2019 Lineup

workplace development workshop in eastern iowa

The topics and content of these new workshops have been hand-selected and custom-created by our team of talent enrichment experts. No online webinar or in-person workshop in the world can compare to the unique experience you will have at a Leading Edge Workshop. Each workshop stands on its own, with droves of applicable information and exercises that will have you looking at your work differently, and prepare you to start taking meaningful action for your business immediately.

Find a workshop (or multiple workshops) below that interests you, and dive in. See for yourself the difference that a dedicated focus on talent enrichment makes for you and your workplace.

August 14th – Employee Engagement:

As a catalyst for business results

Engagement is what Leverage is all about. It’s the mystical magnet that keeps employees coming back each morning ready to give it 110%. When engagement is high, growth occurs naturally. But, before you can foster an environment of engagement, you need to understand exactly what it looks it in action and all the factors that go into growing it and sustaining it.

September 18th – Decisive:

Courage, rightness and the need for action

Decisiveness is action and without action people and businesses don’t grow. Sure, having some level of cautiousness is useful, but analysis paralysis will eventually prove detrimental to growth. This is why being decisive is a core trait within our core values at Leverage; it’s expected and required. Learn from our experts how to be more decisive and how to make better decisions to increase your impact.

October 16th – Leverage Engagement:

Think big and bring ideas to life 

Thinking futuristically and outside the box is one challenge, making your big idea a reality is a whole other challenge. In this workshop, we’ll equip you with the tools needed to accomplish both, including how to facilitate thinking big conversations, aligning ideas to the right outcomes, and transforming the thought into action. Soon thinking big and making it happen will become a perpetual habit in your workplace.

November 20th – Leading Different Personalities:

Explore how your team works best

Everyone you work with thinks and communicates differently. This unique personality diversity is what makes a solid team, but when not properly understood and communicated, friction can arise. This workshop will help you better understand your unique personality and better connect how you work with the results of your team. In doing so, you will anticipate challenges and make meaningful resolutions quicker.


  1. Judy Farrah on September 3, 2019 at 2:05 pm

    please sign me up for future emails relating to leading edge workshops for mental health professionals

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